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T5S2 Season 6 Invitational Profile

Danny SIT6

Try Hard Wargaming


== Arks of Omen Detachment == ( Twisted Helix ) [ 0CP ]

Noslot: Kelermorph [5PL, 80pts]
- - - Relic: Wyrmtooth Rounds (-1CP)
Noslot: Nexos [3PL, 50pts]
- - - Relic: Cranial Inlay (-1CP)

HQ1: Magus [4PL, 80pts] Warlord
- - - Psychic: Might From Beyond, Psychic Stimulus, Mutagenic Deviation
- - - Relic: Unwilling Orb (-1CP)
HQ2: Iconward [4PL, 65pts]

TR1: 10 Acolyte Hybrids [7PL, 120pts] 10x Flamer
TR2: 9 Acolyte Hybrids [7PL, 108pts] 9x Flamer
TR2: 15 Acolyte Hybrids [12PL, 195pts] 15x Flamer
- - - Proficient Planning : A Trap Sprung
TR2: 15 Acolyte Hybrids [12PL, 195pts] 15x Flamer
- - - Proficient Planning : A Perfect Ambush
TR3: 5 Acolyte Hybrids [3PL, 45pts] Cult lash whip
TR4: 5 Acolyte Hybrids [3PL, 65pts] Cult lash whip
- - - Proficient Planning : Excavate

EL1: 10 Purestrain Genestealkers [8PL, 150pts]
- - - Proficient Planning : They came from below
EL2: 10 Purestrain Genestealkers [7PL, 140pts]
EL3: 10 Purestrain Genestealkers [7PL, 140pts]
EL4: 10 Hybrid Metamorphs [7PL, 120pts]
EL4: Sanctus [3PL, 70pts] - Cult Sniper Rifle

FA1: 4 Atalan Jackals [3PL, 65pts] 1x Demo Charges, 1x Grenade Launcher, 4x Power weapon
FA2: 4 Atalan Jackals [3PL, 65pts] 1x Demo Charges, 1x Grenade Launcher, 4x Power weapon
FA3: 4 Atalan Jackals [3PL, 65pts] 1x Demo Charges, 1x Grenade Launcher, 4x Power weapon

TS1: Goliath Truck [5PL, 90pts] Cache of Demo charges
TS1: Goliath Truck [5PL, 90pts] Cache of Demo charges


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