Alakar Finals
T5S2 Season 8 Invitational Profile
The Tempting Targets
Faction:Thousand Sons
Detachment:Cult of Magic
Allied Faction:Chaos Knights]
└ Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch [Points:140, Pistol:Warpflamepistol, Prosperinekhopesh:✓]
└Lord of Forbidden Lore [Points:35]
└ Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch [Points:105, Pistol:Warpflamepistol, Prosperinekhopesh:✓]
└ Tzaangor Shaman [Points:60]
└ Infernal Master [Points:115]
└Arcane Vortex [Points:25]
└ Infernal Master [Points:110]
└Umbralefic Crystal [Points:20]
└ Infernal Master [Points:90]
Epic Hero
└ Magnus the Red [Points:440]
Rubric Marines [Points:105]
└ Aspiring Sorcerer [Pistol:Warpflamepistol]
└ 3x Rubric Marine [Gun:Warpflamer]
└ Rubric Marine [Gun:Soulreapercannon, Iconofflame:✓]
Rubric Marines [Points:105]
└ Aspiring Sorcerer [Pistol:Warpflamepistol]
└ 3x Rubric Marine [Gun:Warpflamer]
└ Rubric Marine [Gun:Soulreapercannon, Iconofflame:✓]
Rubric Marines [Points:105]
└ Aspiring Sorcerer [Pistol:Warpflamepistol]
└ 3x Rubric Marine [Gun:Warpflamer]
└ Rubric Marine [Gun:Soulreapercannon, Iconofflame:✓]
Tzaangors [Points:65]
└ Tzaangor [Additional:Herdbanner]
└ Tzaangor [Additional:Brayhorn]
└ War Dog Karnivore [Points:140, SponsonWeapon:Havocmulti-launcher]
Thousand Sons Cultists [Points:55]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Flamer]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Heavystubber]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Grenadelauncher]
Thousand Sons Cultists [Points:55]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Flamer]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Heavystubber]
└ Thousand Sons Cultist [Gun:Grenadelauncher]
└ Mutalith Vortex Beast [Points:150]
└ Mutalith Vortex Beast [Points:150]